Is It Beneficial to Keep a Tooth or Get an Implant?

Dental health is a crucial aspect of overall wellness, and the decision between preserving a natural tooth or getting an implant can be challenging. While root canals can save a damaged tooth, dental implants provide a long-lasting solution. In this post, we’ll compare the two alternatives and help you choose the best option for your oral health.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Root canals have the advantage of preserving a natural tooth, which can be crucial for lots of patients. However, they also have some downsides, including the potential for the tooth to become re-infected or damaged in the future.

Dental implants offer a variety of benefits, including a more natural look and feel, improved chewing and biting ability, and better dental health. Having said that, they also have some disadvantages, including the price, the need for surgery, and the time required for healing and recovery.

How to Make a Decision

The first step in choosing between keeping a tooth or getting an implant is to schedule a consultation with a dentist in Nassau County. They will check out your tooth, take X-rays, and discuss your options. Some factors to think about when making your decision include the following:

  • The health of the tooth: If it is in good condition, it may be possible to preserve it with a root canal or other treatment.
  • Your overall dental health: If you have other dental problems, such as gum disease or tooth cavities, these may need to be addressed before making a decision about the tooth in question.
  • The cost: Dental implants can be more expensive than other treatments, so it is essential to consider the expense when deciding.

Does a root canal guarantee a permanently healthy tooth?

While root canals are a typical and effective treatment, there is no assurance that the tooth will remain healthy after the procedure. In some cases, the root of the tooth may end up being infected again, and another root canal may be necessary. It’s also possible for the crown to become ruined, requiring a replacement.

Is a dental implant more durable than a root canal?

Dental implants are frequently more resilient than root canals, as they are designed to solve missing teeth permanently. They are composed of materials made to fuse with the jawbone, creating a solid and stable foundation for a tooth replacement. This can lead to a more long-lasting solution than a root canal, which relies on a crown to protect the tooth.


The decision between preserving a natural tooth or getting an implant is personal and should be brought in with the guidance of a dentist. Both offer benefits and disadvantages, and the ideal one will depend on your unique dental health and other circumstances. 

When deciding whether to get an implant, weighing the benefits against the expense is crucial. Implants often last longer than root canals. Discuss your options with your dentist if you’re having difficulty choosing. They have the knowledge and experience to guide you toward the optimal choice for your oral health.